
Club Membership

Joining the Richmond Rockets allows people of all ages to learn an exciting new winter sport.

The Richmond Rockets Speed Skating Club (RRSSC) is a non-profit volunteer-based sport club with parents fulfilling all roles within the Club.  We encourage all parents and/or guardians to help whenever and wherever possible in the process of building our Club for our skaters.  With your support, our Club will operate effectively and expand.  Please get involved as it is a great way to socialize, network and learn about speed skating.

To inquire about our programs, use our contact form.

Speed Skating Programs

The Richmond Rockets Speed Skate Club provide programs designed to give a new/beginner with the basic skating skills a fun and safe introduction to speed skating; intermediate/advanced skater with speed skating experience and skills, a structured “train to compete” schedule to meet their sport specific goals. The coaches seek to provide quality instruction in a safe and fun atmosphere, in a way that caters to the full range of skill levels.


1.1.1  Minimum Skating Skills Skaters must have basic skating skills to be eligible for Group 1 (New/beginner skaters), able to independently skate forwards, turn, stop in one direction, maintain their balance and get up after a fall.   Able to consistently take directions and demonstrate safety awareness.  Successfully met the skating skills in the Learn to Skate Level 3 program.

  1. Skate lesson days: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
  2. Speed skating Fall/Winter Season: September to March. +
    Speed skating Spring Season:  April to June  (TBA when offered)  GROUP 1

  1. New/Beginner skaters, who have no fundamental speed skating skills or experience OR
  2. Intermediate skaters who have the basic speed skating skills but have not yet consistently met the minimum speed skating fundamental skill set to advance to Group 2*.
  3. Minimum age: For safety reasons while on the ice, skaters 5-8yrs old must be able to consistently take directions, focus on task during lessons, and demonstrate safety awareness of self and of others.
  4. 60 minutes duration
  5. PLEASE NOTE: If the skater does not demonstrate required expectations as described in, it is at the discretion of the coach, president and safety officer to discuss an achievable plan for the participant to meet expectations or withdraw from the program.  Safety of the participant and others during speed skating lessons and competitions is a priority.  GROUP 2

  1. Returning Group 2 skaters
  2. Advanced/experienced, skaters of similar speed and mastered basic speed skating skills.
    1. Must be evaluated by RRSSC coach to determine appropriateness and readiness prior to group 2 placement.
    2. Applicable to skaters who transfer from other speed skating clubs
  3. Intermediate skaters who have demonstrated speed skating skill set, physical maturity and experience to safely skate at high speed with others.
    1. Must be evaluated by RRSSC coach to determine appropriateness and readiness prior to group 2 placement.
    2. Applicable to RRSSC skaters in group 1.
  4. 60 minutes duration
  5. PLEASE NOTE: If the skater does not demonstrate required expectations as described in, it is at the discretion of the coach, president and safety officer to discuss an achievable plan for the participant to meet expectations or withdraw from the program.  Safety of the participant and others during speed skating lessons and competitions is a priority.


  • Participants are evaluated on the speed skating skills learned and may progress to the next level when all skills practiced are performed consistently and successfully. Each skill level helps build confidence while introducing the skills of speed skating.
  • Certified Coaches makes the exclusive decision in advancing a skater from Group 1 to Group 2.
  • RRSSC Certified Coach may advise a skater if they are appropriate and ready for the Richmond Olympic Oval High Performance Program.
  • Skater assessment are made throughout the season to determine if he/she has mastered the speed skating skill set at their current level. Advancements to the next level is made as appropriate based on assessed readiness. Please see the RRSSC Evaluation Protocol.


Richmond Olympic Oval High Performance

Administered by the Richmond Olympic Oval, the High-Performance Speed Skating Program is designed to create a fun and focused training environment for speed skaters between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. For more info visit Oval HP for schedule and registration.


The City of Richmond has mandated that all Richmond public facilities and sanctioned sports organizations utilizing these facilities enforce a rule that a parent / guardian /designated adult of participants / athletes / minors <16 years old must be present while their child (participant / athlete / minors <16 years old) are participating within the designated areas of the facility. In the event of any current health-related regulations ordered by the Provincial Health Officer, current safety policies and procedures will be in effect (eg: Covid 19 Phase 1 and/or 2).

Please familiarize yourself with our Communicable Disease Response Plan and complete the Health Declaration prior to your arrival.