Registration Day and Skate Fitting

WHEN: Tuesday September 3rd 2019 only.
WHERE: 2nd floor at the Richmond Oval – go to the skate rental area
1). New/Beginners & Returning Group 1 skaters – 3:15 – 4:20pm then Group 1 ice session will start at 4:30 – 5:15 pm.
2). Returning Group 2 (Advanced & Intermediate only) – 4:15 – 5:00pm then Group 2 ice session will start at 5:15 – 6:15pm
Required Equipment to be on the ice:
- Hockey or Ski helmet.
- Protective eyewear – bring your own or purchase at registration
- Cut resistant gloves (eg leather or ski type gloves) – may be purchased at registration.
- Comfortable clothing (no jeans please) eg: long sleeves and light jacket or sweatshirt and comfortable pants.
- shin pads and knee pads optional.
Tryout sessions only on scheduled Sunday ice time during Group 1 session AND by appointment only.
Contact: Janet Lakusta, Registrar RRSSC