Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is an excellent way to get involved in speed skating and to contribute to the sport. All club coaches and management committee members are volunteers and rely on support from parents and friends of skaters.
Registrants will be required to complete a number of volunteering hours and provide a volunteer deposit. Details will be given to you at registration.
At practice sessions volunteers are needed to take attendance, help with supervision, or assist with getting skaters ready on the ice.
At meets all of the officials are volunteers; there are opportunities for parents to get involved in the sport. Various educational clinics and workshops are given regularly to help develop skills and knowledge for those individuals interested in qualifying to become time keepers, place judges, clerk of course, lap recorders, runners etc.
The club executives are also volunteers who are elected annually at the club’s annual general meetings (AGM) to the Board of Directors. These voting positions include:
- President – Liaise with Oval representatives in all matters related to facility use and oversee club operations. Sets directions and goals for the club.
- Treasurer – Manages club finances, prepares financial reports.
- Secretary – Maintains club mailbox, Prepares AGM materials, Minutes, and hosts meetings. Communicates with outside organizations such as insurance agencies and associations. Prepares policies and documents. Administers submissions for awards, prepares grant applications.
- Directors – Assists with the club in making decisions.
Throughout the season, the following roles are also needed. They are non-voting positions and these positions can be held by board members or members of the club, and may be shared by more than one member.
- Club Registrar (Responds to new enquiries, screens applicants for eligibility, assists members in registering into Club and BCSSA/SSC registration systems – liaise with Oval to host Trial sessions- Host yearly Club registration/skate rental night)
- Equipment Manager (Maintain inventory of our skates and safety items for sale – arranges equipment repairs, order equipment such as skin suits, jackets, skates etc, retains access to club locker).
- Skate Sharpening Coordinator. Trains and assists skaters with skate sharpening.
- Meet Registrar Advertise up coming competitions to members – collect competition registrations & fees- Register club members to competitions- Arrange to get fees paid & helmet covers picked up at competitions)
- Fundraising/Hospitality (Group of designated parents who would welcome potential new members and show case the club – Host club activities outside scheduled practices such as Winter Break party or Halloween candy bags, year end BBQ, fundraisers – Second language an asset).
- Marketing / Social Media (For 16 years old + members/skaters to show case our club on Social Media platforms & written media – liaise with Oval to post our successes and up coming events – 2nd language an asset to reach out to our local community). Liaise with Oval on their marketing efforts.
- Recorder – Maintains a record of skaters’ Personal Best Time (PB’s) data as these are needed to register to competitions & at the AGM to provide a written Certificate to each skater who competed & had PB’s in their season.
- Meet Coordinator – Manages all aspects of hosting a competition by our club at the oval. Recruits and coordinates club and out of club volunteers, liaise with the Oval on all logistics. A full list of responsibilities is available.
- IT Manager – Maintains web assets (domain, website, hosting, email accounts). Registration setup, Email list management, creation of online forms, and any other services (Teamsnap, Zoom etc)
- User and Volunteer / Group Coordinator – Coordinates orderly entry and egress of group members into staging areas, coordinates and assigns other members to assist skaters and volunteers during practices, ensuring protocols are followed for safety and sanitation.
- Safety / Medical Officer – Prepares and maintains safety and health protocols, such as those related to COVID-19.
- Photographer – Takes photos / videos as needed for promotional purposes.
As well, we have two coaches who are responsible for training our skaters an a number of on-ice helpers who assist them at club practices.
All volunteers will be required to have a BCSSA Volunteer Membership to be insured, whether they are on the ice or not, as well as follow all safety protocols by the club and the Provincial Health Officer.