

Face Coverings during Exercise

Speed Skating Canada (SSC) – had a presentation on November 12, 2020 discussing recent studies on the effects of face masks and exercise, mask options, and current recommendations and practices at the national level.

SSC Town Hall Face Coverings and Exercise 12Nov2020

Some useful links discussed in the presentation:

Coronavirus: The Swiss Cheese Strategy

Are face masks reducing the oxygen in your blood?


The New Yorker – Amid the Coronavirus Crisis a Regimen for Reentry 

Wearing of Cloth or Disposable Surgical Face Masks has no Effect on Vigorous Exercise Performance in Healthy Individuals – MDPI Journal, Nov 3, 2020

Canada’s top public health doctor now recommends 3-layer non-medical masks – CBC News – Nov 3, 2020

Speed Skating Canada COVID-19 News

Mask Separators (for avoiding moisture)


”It’s about wanting, among other things, never to be the one to make someone else sick.”