

Practices Suspended

Dear Rockets Family,

Today Dr. Bonnie Henry announced new Provincial Health Orders which impact the Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health regions as communities across the province attempt to mitigate the further spread of COVID-19.

Per direction from the BC Speed Skating Association, The Richmond Rockets will be suspending practices immediately, there will be no practice beginning tomorrow November 8 until further notice.

“Effective November 7 at 10:00pm, BC Speed Skating clubs operating within the restricted regions should temporarily cease in-person operations until further notice. BC Speed Skating will continue to update membership on how to proceed as further viaSport information becomes available.“

The BCSSA has made this decision to protect the health and well-being of all members while awaiting further details on the Orders and clarity is sought on how to proceed with the validation of each club’s Safety Plans. Thank you for your understanding. We will send out more updates as new recommendations from BCSSA are made available and when practices resume.

The Richmond Rockets Board of Directors

viaSport Announcement

Government of BC Order