Cancellation of Richmond Interclub

To All Our Richmond Rockets, Coaches, Families, Volunteers and Supporters:
After careful deliberations with our Board, key volunteers and stakeholders, the decision and Motion to Cancel our 2022 Richmond Rockets Oval Challenge (Formerly V-Rrooom Challenge) scheduled for February 12th was voted on and passed/confirmed.
We appreciate your patience as we wanted to ensure that we were able to make an informed and responsible decision.
The Richmond Rockets Board did not feel comfortable proceeding despite all the work that had already been made to prepare for the competition due to safety concerns.
I want to thank everyone who has participated in the planning and preparation today, and the difficult decision to cancel. I cannot begin to describe how disappointed we are to have to make this difficult decision. We commiserate with our young skaters, officials, and volunteers, All of whom were preparing for this sport development experience.
On behalf of the Board, I thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Alexander Teh
President, Richmond Rockets Speed Skating Club