

2022 BC Short Track Championships

Congratulations to our Richmond Rockets Skaters who qualified and raced this past weekend at the BC Short Track Championships!

We are so proud of you!

Thank you so much to all the Rockets supporters, volunteers, and coaches without whom, our club and skaters would not be as successful.

Congratulations to the following skaters who won medals:

  • Female 11 – Gold: Alivia Lam
  • Male 14 – Gold: Roanan Tien-Vidal
  • Male 14 – Silver: Quirin Teh
  • Junior Male – Gold: Ryan Bolton
  • Junior Male – Silver: Paul-Philip Astor
  • Men’s 55+ Gold: Nam Nguyen

And a special mention to those Rockets who qualified for the Canadian Youth Short Track Championships!

They include:

Tilman Astor
Manuela Escobar Ballen
Alivia Lam
Andy Liu
Quirin Teh
Roanan Tien-Vidal

Good Luck to All of You in Selkirk Manitoba!

Alexander Teh
Richmond Rockets Speed Skating Club


Ryan and Paul
