Return to Sport

Welcome to the 2020-2021 Season! I know a lot of you are eager to register your child or yourself for speed skating but we are still awaiting final pricing and scheduling from the Richmond Oval before we can open registration. Apologies for delays! But the team has been working to get as many things ready for the season.
Our season starts Sep 22 – March 11, and practice days are expected to be identical to last year, on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons, and up to 2 complimentary Sunday afternoons per month.
In the meantime, please note the following:
Practice groups are limited in size due to COVID-19 safety restrictions on the number of people allowed on the ice. We have new COVID-19 policies, please take a look at the new Registration Information, the COVID safety plan, and the Return to Sport policies on our website. We will be using TeamSnap for Health Declarations, please download or update your copy.
Drop-Ins are not open for registration at this time due to both space capacity and cohort restrictions. We will let you know when it is allowed.
We have a new registration system, IceReg. The company has been working hard to get it going for all the speed skating clubs. You may register yourself as a volunteer and your skater for their BCSSA/SSC memberships for insurance purposes. Skaters require a Recreational, Competitive, or Elite membership. Parents and Volunteers require a Volunteer Membership. There are no competitions scheduled yet for this year due to the pandemic, if it is allowed in the future, it will be announced. If you wish, you can register your skater as recreational, but we recommend competitive so it won’t be necessary to purchase an upgrade should competitions begin. (~$40 difference)
Some skating safety equipment are available from our online store that will be ready soon. We are busy replenishing our inventory and will have more supplies soon.
If you have skates rented from last season, please let us know the skate number for inventory purposes. If your skater needs a new size, please let us know as well.