Practices Resume

The Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry released official guidelines regarding the temporary restrictions in place for November 7-23. Physical distancing requirements and travel restrictions were clarified for indoor sports.
Skaters cannot travel between health regions. This means that if you are in a community in the Fraser Health Authority, you would not be able to come to practices as the Oval is in the Vancouver Coastal Health region. This does not apply to coaches.
As for the physical distancing requirements, we have revised our Safety Plan and Return to Sport policies to revert to physically distanced practices. We have sent these for review by the Oval. Please review them as well.
As usual, please observe the PHO’s recommendations on reducing your child’s extracurricular sports activities during this time.
A reminder that masks are required at all times, including check in and pick up areas, at any time club members are gathered, for both participants and support personnel (parents/guardians, coaches, volunteers)
Thank you for your patience. Practices will resume today.
The RRSSC Board of Directors