COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Due to the increased prevalence of COVID-19 variants circulating in our communities in recent weeks, the Richmond Rockets Speed Skating club respectfully asks that all skaters and families to please adhere to the current BCSSA Phase 2 COVID safety protocols ( and Richmond Rockets COVID safety protocols.
- Before each practice, please complete the RRSSC health declaration. Your information will be kept confidential and will only be used for contact tracing purposes should an exposure occur. We have been very fortunate that no exposures having taken place this past season and we hope to keep it that way. If your skater is showing symptoms or is not feeling well in general, please do not come to practice.
- MASKS ARE MANDATORY inside the Richmond Olympic Oval, both on the ice and off for everyone, NO EXCEPTIONS. Your skater can bring a water bottle but will only be allowed to drink from it when seated in our staging area. Each skater will be seated physically distanced in the staging area before and after practice to put on or take off their gear. If your skater has difficulty putting on their skates, we recommend that they put on their skates in the car with the skates guards on before coming up to ice level. We have coaching staff and volunteers to help with skate tightening if needed.
- Parents/guardians/spectators are not allowed rink side. We have a limited number of volunteers strictly to help with younger skaters with their skates and sanitation. If you would like to help out, please speak with Alex, our group coordinator.
- Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of your lesson/practice.
Group 1 Thursday Practice: 3:55 pm (4:15 ice time)
Group 1 Sunday Practice: 3:25 pm (3:45 ice time).
Group 2 Thursday Practice: 4:45 for dryland training outdoors (5:15 pm ice time).
Group 2 Sunday Practice 4:00 pm for dryland training outdoors (4:45 pm ice time).
Once the skaters have arrived, they will be lead up to the rink as 1 group by one of the RRSSC volunteers and/or Oval Staff. Anyone arriving late will not be admitted!
Please help us by following these protocols so that we can keep our speed skating program safe and running for the rest of the Spring Session.
Richmond Rockets Speed Skating Club
Board of Directors and Coaches