Richmond Rockets Oval Challenge 2023

The Richmond Rockets Oval Challenge (RROC) 2023 Interclub Meet (Formerly V-Rrooom Challenge) will be held on Saturday, February 18th, 2023. Registration information will be sent to all clubs. Volunteers are welcome.
VENUE: Richmond Olympic Oval
6111 River Road, Richmond BC, Canada
FORMAT: Ability Meet. This will be the last meet to improve on or acquire your qualifying times for the BCST Championships in March.
RACE SCHEDULE to be announced.
TRACKS: 100m (Pre-youth/Youth) and 111m (NeoJR/ Junior/ Open Senior & Open Masters)
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: As per SSBC competition regulations
REGISTRATION FEE: $50 per skater ($20 for Active Starts – racing in this division will be held during lunch time)